Why Do I Suffer From Anxiety?

Anxious female sitting on the floor with hands over heart.

Are you a constant worrier? Do you always feel anxious and on edge? Are you unable to stop worrying and you don’t know why?

Everyone experiences anxiety at various times in their lives. It is the body’s natural response to stressors. However, excessive or persistent anxiety can interfere with daily life. If you are struggling with anxiety, you are not alone. Here are some things that might be causing your anxiety and what you can do about it. 

Why do I have anxiety?

Anxiety is a feeling of worry, nervousness, or fear that can range from mild to severe. Everyone feels anxious from time to time, but for some people, anxiety can be a chronic problem that interferes with their daily lives. If you’re struggling with anxiety, you might be wondering why you feel this way.

There are many different causes of anxiety, including genetic factors, brain chemistry, and life experiences. It’s often a combination of these factors that leads to anxiety. For example, you might have a family history of anxiety or you might have experienced a trauma that has made you more prone to anxiety. Anxiety can also be caused by medical conditions, such as thyroid problems or heart disease.

Is my anxiety normal?

Everyone experiences anxiety from time to time. It’s a normal part of life. But if your anxiety is impacting your daily life and causing you distress, it may be time to seek help.

There are many different types of anxiety disorders, and it can be hard to know if you have one. But there are some common symptoms of anxiety disorders, such as feeling excessively worried or stressed, having trouble sleeping, and avoiding certain situations. If you’re experiencing these symptoms, it’s important to reach out to a mental health professional to get help.

Anxiety disorders are treatable, and there are many ways to manage anxiety. With treatment, you can learn to control your anxiety and live a normal, happy life.

What can I do to cope with my anxiety?

The good news is that there are many effective coping skills that can help you manage your anxiety and help you live a happy, fulfilling life.

Here are 10 coping skills for anxiety that can help you feel better:

  1. Identify your triggers so you can avoid them or be prepared with coping strategies when they hit.
  2. Avoid drugs and alcohol.
  3. Get enough sleep. Most people need 7-8 hours per night. Turn off electronics an hour before bed.
  4. Exercise regularly. Try to get at least 30 minutes of exercise a day.
  5. Eat a healthy diet.
  6. Practice relaxation techniques (yoga, meditation, or deep breathing exercises).
  7. Limit your caffeine intake.
  8. Avoid stressful situations.
  9. Connect with others.
  10. Seek professional help.

 Where can I get help for my anxiety?

There are many resources available to help you manage your anxiety and live a happy and healthy life.

Here are a few places to get started:

Rachele Epp, LMHC specializes in treating anxiety. She will take a multifaceted approach to help you overcome your anxiety. She will incorporate coping skills, CBT to change negative thinking patterns, and EMDR therapy to process the memories and triggers at the source of the anxiety.

Help for Managing Anxiety Is Available in Fort Myers

To sum up,  anxiety stems from a variety of factors. If you find that your coping mechanisms are insufficient in effectively managing your anxiety, it may be time to see a counselor. It’s important to remember that you are not alone in this, and there are resources available to help you.  Rachele Epp, LMHC is a licensed therapist in Fort Myers with over three decades of experience. She is eager to assist you in developing the tools you need to overcome your anxiety. Reach out to her today!